
Surprise! I’m An Atheist

Introduction To My Atheism And The Explanation Thereunto

Copyright © 2015 & 2018 by Wil C. Fry. All Rights Reserved.

Published 2015.02.10, Updated 2018.11.18

Home > Atheism Index > Surprise! I’m An Atheist

I am an atheist. I describe my specific position on another page, but the short definition means I lack belief in God or gods.

I created this section of my website to explain where I started (fanatical, fundamentalist Christianity), how I got here, and why I wrote about it. There are other pages in this section; several are listed in the More menu at upper right, and all of them are in the Atheism Index.

When I first posted this in early 2015, it was a surprise to many friends and family members, though I think some had already guessed. It certainly shocked me when I realized it. Please understand that I did not come to this conclusion lightly. Twenty-five years of struggle led me to this place. I left no stone unturned, no argument unargued. There is no turning back.

If I have any regret, it is that it took me so long to reach this place.

If you’re reading this from the paradigm of religion, please note a few things. First, these pages aren’t intended as a polemic or an attempt to persuade anyone, but rather a manifesto — a statement of views — and the story of how I came to have them. Read my reason for writing to understand why I made this public. Secondly, understand the difference between “do not believe in any god” and “angry at God”. I cannot possibly feel any animosity toward someone or something that doesn’t exist. Further, I do not harbor any specific ill-will toward any particular theist or religion.

If I have any regret, it is that it took me so long to reach this place.

Finally, I am aware that at least a few people reading this were influenced toward their current belief systems by me. After all, I talked about my faith in God quite frequently. I preached, taught, counseled, and published a devotional newsletter. If you are happy with the faith in which I assisted you, then: “you’re welcome”. If you are not, then I apologize for pushing you along that path, and I hope you find the answers you seek.

Next: My Specific Position Reason For Writing

Or, use the ••• menu to navigate.

This is the updated version of this page. To see the original version, click here. Known edits are listed below.


2015.07.25: Combined first two paragraphs. Reworded second sentence. Added link to original version of this page. Reworded third (now second) paragraph. Added link to Atheism Index.

2015.11.26: Moved “updated” notice to bottom.

2018.04.12: Switched to newer css document. Added meta tags to html header (invisible to most readers). Added breadcrumbs navigation. Reworded second paragraph.

2018.10.02: Updated html header. Reworded content throughout for brevity and clarity. Changed “next” link to a button. Added link in lower navigation module.

2018.11.18: Tweaked background code.

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