---------------------------- KNOWN EDITS FOR 'MY JOURNEY' ---------------------------- ----------------------------------- https://wilcfry.com/atheism/journey/ ----------------------------------- 2015.03.06: In the Hard Times section: corrected age to 23. In sci-fi section: added link for Robber Baron. In Wavering And Wondering section: added newly found journal quote. 2015.03.10: In the Going It Alone section, added note about expected backlash, and a link to some of the responses I did receive. 2015.04.03: Added “according to the Bible” paragraph to the Rigged Game section. 2015.04.25: Split “Meaning & Morality” section into two sections: Meaning and Morality. Accordingly, some rewording was necessary. Changed formatting of this “Edits” section. 2015.04.27: Expanded and clarified Meaning section. 2015.05.02: Added journal quote to In The Beginning section. Added link to What Is The Purpose Of Life? in the Struggle To Find Meaning section. 2015.06.22: Added journal quote to Wavering section. 2016.01.04: Reworded the “paid their tithes” sentence in the Prayers section. Added to second sentence of “avoiding sin” paragraph, including a link to the Contradictions In The Bible page. Corrected citation to I John 5:18. Added two paragraphs on the prayer of Jabez. Moved “On This Page” to the top of the More menu. Added internal link to this list of edits. Clarified that the newsletter I published was devotional in nature. Added An Aside On Money And The Ministry subsection. 2016.01.06: Separated “bashing the preachers” paragraph of Hard Times section into two paragraphs, reworded the second of those paragraphs, and added to the first. Added two paragraphs and a journal quote between those two. Added pullout text in same section. 2016.06.07: Broke first paragraph of Fiction section into two paragraphs, and then added several between them, regarding “Wesley’s Story”. 2016.10.07: Added pullout quote after first paragraph of Prayers section. 2017.07.14: Added missing word in The Stages section. Reworded top paragraph. Changed title and subtitle at top of page. Shortened the Where I Started section to a single sentence. In the Things To Note section: shortened first sentence. 2017.07.17: Shorted top paragraph further. Shortened background section to a single sentence. Reformatted this edits section to highlight only the most recent edits, with the others listed in a long paragraph below. In To Note section: reworded first paragraph again, shortened third paragraph. In Stages section: shortened first paragraph, shortened points 1-7 of the stages list. In the Beginning section: shortened paragraphs 1-3, removed next-to-last paragraph. In Prayers section: reworded and shortened throughout, with the goal of readability. Added “years later” paragraph. 2017.07.18: In Bible College: 2nd Year section, changed "go insane" to "succumb to a mental illness". In 3rd Year section, broke first paragraph into two, and expanded on the problem of finances. In 4th Year section, added "I wrote" for clarification, and expanded the final paragraph. In Fear section, changed "zero" to "very little" to reflect my further research on this topic. In Bible section, shortened first paragraph and combined it with the second. A added sentences on "the problem of clear instructions". In Hard Times section, shortened and tightened the existing text, added sentences about believers not reading the Bible. In Wavering section, removed pointless words. Added sentences about looking for a wife. In the Alone section, replaced an em dash with "because", reworded "backlash" paragraph into past tense. In Sci-Fi section: tightened several paragraphs. Moved pullouts. Added photo from Arkansas years. 2017.12.30: In Bible College: 1st Year section, added multiple paragraphs describing my speech on converting to Islam. 2018.02.14: Switched to newer css file (relates to page formatting). Cleaned up background html code. Added "open graph" (og) meta tags in header. Deleted first section ("How I Started"), moving the link to my Christian background into the introductory paragraph. Reworded introductory paragraph. Slight rewording in "Some Things To Note" section. Reworded the list of "Stages". Added another paragraph to "In The Beginning" section. Added paragraph and quote from Neil Carter in the "Prayers" section. Added paragraph about "argument from incredulity" into the "Eight Years" section. Moved "Edits" section further down, below navigational links. Added link to Atheism Index. 2018.09.16-17: Updated html header. Added "breadcrumbs" navigation module. Clarified introductory section. Edited other content for clarity and brevity -- but also for completeness. Added atheism/theism image in "Stages" section. 2018.11.18: Tweaked background code. Added citations to several blockquotes. 2018.11.27: Added quotation from poem "If you seek..." and brief explanation in the "Beginning" section. 2020.01.31: Tweaked formatting, corrected a couple of links, fixed typos.