

Updated: 2018.11.19

On 2013.06.11, my wife gave birth to our second child, Benjamin. This page is the gateway to all things Benjamin-related.

Benjamin’s Vital Stats

Time/Date of Birth:19:00 CDT
Place of Birth:Sue Mayborn Women's Center
Metroplex Adventist Hospital
Killeen, Bell County, Texas
Birth Weight:6 lbs. 1.8 oz.
(2772.5 grams)
Birth Length:20 inches
(50.8 cm)
Eye Color:brown
Hair Color:dark brown
Came Home:2013.06.12 (1 day old)
St. Vincent DePaul Catholic Church
Deacon Lawrence St. Pierre


Selected Images Of Benjamin

Blog Entries About Benjamin

Follow this link to see all my blog entries tagged with "Benjamin"

Following are a few important (to me) entries about him:

• 2014.06.19-23 • Baptism Trip
• 2013.06.21 • Hearing Test
• 2013.06.12 • Benjamin Comes Home
• 2013.06.11 • Birth of Benjamin
• 2013.01.29 • He's A Boy
• 2013.01.21 • Preparing the Nursery
• 2012.12.25 • Christmas + Big News
• 2012.12.15 • Rebecca & Tummy
• 2012.10.25 • Pregnancy Test

Benjamin’s Growth Chart

0d (2013.06.11)20" (50.8cm)6.1 lbs. (2.77kg)M
3d (2013.06.14)19" (48.3cm)6.1 lbs. (2.78kg)PCC
2w (2013.06.25)19.5" (49.5cm)7.1 lbs. (3.20kg)SW
2w,6d (2013.07.01)8.0 lbs. (3.63kg)H
3w,3d (2013.07.05)20" (20.3cm)9.0 lbs. (4.08kg)H
30d (2013.07.10)9.6 lbs. (4.35kg)H
1.1mo (2013.07.14)10.6 lbs. (4.81kg)H
1.3mo (2013.07.21)21" (53.3cm)11.1 lbs. (5.04kg)H
1.5mo (2013.07.27)12.6 lbs. (5.72kg)H
1.8mo (2013.08.05)22" (55.9cm)13.0 lbs. (5.90 kg)H
2.1mo (2013.08.13)22.5" (57.2cm)13.0 lbs. (5.92kg)SW
2.3mo (2013.08.19)14.0 lbs. (6.35kg)H
2.6mo (2013.08.30)15.0 lbs. (6.80kg)H
3.4mo (2013.09.23)23" (58.4cm)15.8 lbs. (7.17kg)H
3.7mo (2013.10.03)23.5" (59.7cm)16.7 lbs. (7.58kg)H
4.1mo (2013.10.15)2'0.75" (62.9cm)16.4 lbs. (7.44kg)SW
4.5mo (2013.10.27)2'1" (63.5cm)17.1 lbs. (7.76kg)H
5mo (2013.11.11)2'1" (63.5cm)17.5 lbs. (7.94kg)H
5.1mo (2013.11.16)2'1" (63.5cm)18.0 lbs. (8.17kg)H
6mo (2013.12.11)2'2.25"19.0 lbs. (8.62kg)H
6.2mo (2013.12.17)2'3.5" (69.9cm)18.6 lbs. (8.43kg)SW
7.1mo (2014.01.13)20.0 lbs. (9.07kg)H
8mo (2014.02.10)2'2" (0.66m)22.2 lbs. (10.1kg)H
9mo (2014.03.11)2'3" (0.69m)22 lbs. (9.98kg)H
9.3mo (2014.03.18)2'3.8" (0.71m)21.3 lbs. (9.67kg)SW
10mo (2014.04.23)2'4.5" (0.72m)22.8 lbs. (10.3kg)H
1y (2014.06.12)2'5" (0.74m)22.5 lbs. (10.2kg)SW
15mo (2014.09.10)2'6" (0.76m)24.6 lbs. (11.2kg)H
15mo (2014.09.16)2'6.5" (0.77m)23.6 lbs. (10.7kg)SW
16mo (2014.10.05)2'6.25" (0.77m)25.1 lbs. (11.4kg)H
18mo (2014.12.11)2'7.5" (0.80m)25.2 lbs. (11.4kg)H
18mo (2014.12.16)2'7.26" (0.79m)24.4 lbs. (11.1kg)SW
23mo (2015.05.24)26.2 lbs. (11.9kg)SW
2y (2015.06.18)2'9.5" (0.85m)H
2y (2015.06.23)2'9.5" (0.85m)26.7 lbs. (12.1kg)SW
2.3y (2015.10.06)28.2 lbs. (12.8kg)SW
2.5y (2015.12.19)2'11" (0.89m)27.8 lbs. (12.6kg)H
2.6y (2016.01.16)2'11.5" (0.90m)H
3y (2016.06.23)3'1" (0.94m)29.4 lbs. (13.3kg)SW
3.5y (2016.12.27)3'2" (0.97m)32.8 lbs. (14.9kg)H
4y (2017.06.09)3'4" (1.02m)34.8 lbs. (15.8kg)H
4y (2017.06.21)3'3.5" (1.00m)35.1 lbs. (15.9kg)SW
4y3m (2017.09.11)3'4" (1.02m)35.1 lbs. (15.9kg)H
4.Xy (2018.03.18)38.2 lbs.H
5.4y (2018.11.19)3'6" (1.09m) *41.4 lbs. (18.8kg)H
M = Metroplex Adventist Hospital
PCC = Killeen Pediatric Care Clinic
SW = Scott & White Killeen Clinic
H = home

Benjamin’s Milestones

These are things he did. For things he experienced, see the Firsts chart.

2013.06.14rollfrom back to left side
2013.06.15smileconfirmed next day
2013.06.16rollfrom back to right side
2013.06.17headlift/turn head from left to right (and back) while on tummy
2013.06.20laughfully belly laugh, while sitting on Daddy's lap
2013.06.25scootcan push self across floor if there's something to push against w/feet
2013.06.30graspReaches for and grabs/holds objects: shirts, burp cloths, fingers, etc.
2013.08.24rollfrom tummy to right side to back
2013.08.27sleepslept from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.
2013.10holdCan hold objects for several minutes at a time
Can switch from one hand to other
2013.10.21sitCan maintain sitting position, if placed there
2013.10.27rollfrom back to side to tummy
2013.11.13pushuppush himself up on just toes and hands
2013.12.03standpulls self up to standing position
2013.12.05sitpushes himself up to sitting position without help
(confirmed Dec. 16)
2013.12.13standpulls himself up to standing position (from sitting)
2013.12.16crawlCrawled on all fours for first time (belly off ground)
2013.12.25cruise4 feet, along edge of coffee table, other objects
2013.12.28crawlfrom one room to another, as far as 20 feet
2014.01.05kneelcan balance only on knees
2014.01.10standstand unassisted for up to 6 seconds
2014.01.18standstand unassisted for 10 seconds
2014.02.10WALKOne step only (multiple occasions)
2014.02.11walkThree steps at a time
2014.03.05TALK"Dada", said to Daddy, and repeated when asked
2014.03.06talk"I get it" or "I got it", when grabbing something
2014.03.11walkWalk from A to B without falling
2014.04.02waveWaved to friends as they drove past in a car
2014.04.09TOOTH (Click to see/hide list of teeth)
2014.04.24pottyWalked into bathroom; peed against shower door
2014.05.12clapFirst clasped his hands, then did it again.
Eyes opened wide as if he'd just realized something and then he began clapping happily.
2014.05.13pottySitting on toilet, peed into it
2014.06.20spinStanding, took tiny steps to rotate in place
2014.06.29walkTook five steps backward, return, repeat
2015.11.10count“One, two...” using fingers
2016.02.09jumpGot both feet off the ground at the same time.

Communication Development

2013.06signGathers air toward mouth to indicate hunger
2013.07soundSays "ungee" when hungry, or clears throat
2013.10nameSays "egguh" when calling Rebecca
2013.11.17vowelSaid "aeiou" several times
2013.12soundsScreeches like a pterodactyl when he's happy
2013.12soundsTries various consonant sounds: G, T, D, M, L, without any meaning
2013.12coughTried fake coughing sound as attention-getter
2013.12signslaps knee to indicate "I want that" or "take me there"
2014.01.10soundsaid "poo poo" several times
2014.01.18soundsaid "mama" twice (apparently without meaning)
2014.01.18soundsaid "hone" when he was hungry
2014.02soundpractices all the consonant sounds
2014.03copycatstart copycatting words that Mommy says (or at least close enough that we could tell he was trying to copy)
2014.03.05WORD"Dada", said to Daddy, and repeated when asked
2014.03.06sentence"I get it" or "I got it", when grabbing something
2014.03.22word"Gordon", correctly naming one of sister's trains
2014.04.06word"Mama", referring to Mommy, but also to food, milk, hunger
2014.04.30word"head", after putting diaper on his head like a hat
2014.05word"diaper" ("die-tuh"), bringing diaper to parent when needing a change
2014.06.06word"ear", while pulling on Daddy's ear
2014.06.06word"ball", when Daddy gave him a ball
2014.06.08word"door" ("daw"), tapping door
2014.06.09word"up" ("uh"), reaching up with both hands
2014.07colorsTries to say colors: "boo", "ray", "ohdug", "gee", "yeh-oh"
2014.08words"this", "nah" (no), "yeh" (yes)
2015.04word"day-day" for daddy, after months of saying "maw" for either parent
2015.12wordsadded several new words after visiting with family in Okla.
2016.01speechcan say two consonants together: “blue”, “blanket”
starts adding second syllable to some words
2016.01speechregularly putting two or more words together to form sentences
“sit here”, “hungry food now”
2017.04writecan write his name without help, or any other word if someone verbally spells it to him.
2018.08readcan read as many as 20 words, recognize our names in print, can find other words if shown an example
2018.10readcan read simple sentences; makes good guesses at words he doesn't know.

Firsts in Benjamin’s Life

These are experiences. For his achievements, see the Milestones chart.

2013.06.11family visitpaternal grandparents, visited hospital, home
2013.06.12car rideFrom hospital to house in Killeen, Texas
2013.06.13businessfirst time in a business: Chick-fil-A, Harker Heights, Texas
2013.06.14doctorfirst doctor visit: Dr. Wright, at Killeen Pediatric Care Clinic in Killeen, Texas
2013.06.15partyattended neighbor girl's 1st birthday party
2013.06.19mall visitKilleen Mall, Killeen, Texas
2013.06.28out-of-state tripDrove to Seminole County, Okla., to see paternal grandparents; returned on 30th
2013.07.01visit to military baseFt. Hood, Texas.
2013.07.02tub bathLiked being in water; still hates being scrubbed.
2013.07.09bottle feedingTook 100 mL in three minutes.
2013.10.08hotel stayBest Western, Seminole, Okla.
(for Rebecca's birthday trip)
2013.11.02swingat playground in Yowell Ranch
2013.12.04solid foodsucked on apple slice for 20 minutes
2014.03.15car ride w/o Mommywent with Daddy to used book sale in Killeen
2014.04.30zoo visitCameron Park Zoo, in Waco, Texas
2014.06.04swimCommunity pool, Yowell Ranch, Killeen, Texas
2014.06.11birthdayparty at home w/grandparents, neighbors, & friends
2014.06.19airplane tripFlew from Killeen to Houston, to Boston, then back on the 23rd
2015.07.02movie in theaterInside-Out, at Killeen 14
2016.06.07bowlingat Holiday Lanes in Killeen
2018.08.27schoolAlice W. Douse Elementary, KISD


(from conception through baptism)

• gift card from Marline's cousin Arnold & Gina
• money from Marline's cousin Yvesnick & Patrick
• money from Marline's cousin Shapiro & Paula
• money from Marline's Aunt Marie-Josee
• money from Marline's Aunt Yanick (& Yves)
• money from Marline's Uncle René-Max (& Mimiche)
• money from Marline's Uncle Leslie (& Esther)
• money from Marline's Uncle Sedric (& Rosette)
• money from René-Max's friend Maxime
• money from Kevin & Christin
• money from Antoinette & Perry
• ? from Presler & Camille
• ? from Natasha

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