
Robber Baron

Appendix 2 : Characters

Science fiction by Wil C. Fry

Copyright © 2003, 2018 by Wil C. Fry. All Rights Reserved.

First published online: 2003

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Philipp Kaplan Bates: The Robber Baron

— 2470, born in Otok, Tuf
— 2475, emigrated to Tarkin, Persiphone, Hollis System
— 2483, both parents killed in bus accident in Tarkin

Destiny Dester: Philipp Kaplan’s wife

— 2467, born in First City, Sixxle
— 2475, emigrated to Tarkin, Persiphone, Hollis System

Howard Wingate Bates III: Philipp Kaplan’s adopted father

— 2442, born in Nubase, Tuf orbital city
— 2474-2484, head of Persiphone under Colonial Commission
— 2484-2494, Governor of Persiphone Republic (two 5-yr terms)
— 2494-2514, Monarch of Kingdom of Persiphone (one 20-yr term)

Jason Quivers: Philipp Kaplan’s martial arts trainer

— 2498-2508, officer in Federation military
— 2515, chief figure in Philipp’s capture

James Gwandon: chief advisor for Mafia boss in Farlaya, Junxle

— 2489-2491, Philipp Kaplan’s partner in bank robbing
— 2491, captured by police, on Tuf, sentenced to fifteen years on Taak
— 2506, released from prison

Circa 2100: 40 Class-1 worlds, about 25 Class-2 worlds

Circa 2500: 150 Class-1; 210 class-2

One newdollar = 0.75 Colonial Credits
One newdollar = $3 (2003 value)
One Colonial Credit = 1.33 newdollars
One Colonial Credit = $4 (2003 value)
One 2003 dollar = 0.25 colonial
One 2003 dollar = 0.33 newdollars

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