June Weather Summary
for Killeen, Texas
Copyright © 2022 by Wil C. Fry. All Rights Reserved.
Home > Killeen Weather > Months > June
Quick Facts:
Ave | 10Y | Low (year) | High (year) | |
HLA | 84.53 | 84.49 | 82.30 (2021) | 88.37 (2022) |
Highs | 101.8°F | 101.8°F | 97°F (2014) | 107°F (2012-13) |
Lows | 67.15°F | 66.90°F | 64°F (2014) | 72°F (2022) |
Precip | 2.20” | 2.42” | 0.06” (2010) | 4.74” (2015) |
June HLAs
This chart shows the trend in temperature averages, 2010-22. The horizontal line is the 10-year average for June.
Copyright © 2022 by Wil C. Fry. Some rights reserved.
June Temperatures
June’s 10-year temperature average is 84.49°F, ranking as the third-warmest month (behind August and July). In 2015, June was cooler than September, ranking fourth, but in all other years June is third. June 2022 was the warmest June on record for Central Texas, with an average of 88.37°F (beating 2011’s 86.93°F). I couldn’t find when the coldest June was, but the coolest recent one was 2021, averaging 82.30°F. June is one of our least-variable months, along with September.
According to a variety of sources I searched, the coldest temperature ever recorded in June was 51°F, on June 1, 1967. In the past 12 years, the coolest June temp was 64°F, on June 10, 2014. The warmest temperature on record for June was 107°F, both on June 26, 2012, and June 29, 2013. Only one daily record low occurred during the past 13 years, compared to twenty-five daily record highs (and this does not include a number of records that have been broken multiple times in the past 13 years).
June always sees 90-degree days and almost always has 100-degree days as well. Most years, the first 100-degree day of the year is in June (though it is occasionally in May and sometimes in July). June averages 3.77 days per year reaching or passing 100°F, ranging from 15 such days in 2022 to zero (2014, 2015, and 2019). As for 90-degree days June averages 25.5 per year, ranging from 30 (2011) to 19 (2021). June’s 90-degree days are almost always well-predicted by May’s (if May is above average, then June will be too — exceptions are 2013 and 2020).
June Precipitation
This chart shows June’s precipitation, 2010-22.
Copyright © 2022 by Wil C. Fry. Some rights reserved.
Rainfall in June varies from 0.06 inches (in 2010) to 4.74 inches (2015), averaging 2.20 inches per June. June averages 6.5 days per month that exhibit precipitation, fewer than most. The maximum was 12 days (2019). The minimum was one (2010, 2011).
Trends And Patterns
In the 13 years I’ve been keeping track, June’s temperatures do not seem to follow any pattern, other than (mostly) following May’s lead — if May was warmer than average, so will June be. June’s temps aren’t a good predictor for the year as a whole either.
There IS a mild correlation between temperature and rainfall for June. If June is rainer, then it tends to be cooler than average (2014, 2015, 2019, 2021), and if June is relatively dry, then it will be warmer than average (2010, 2011, 2018, 2022), though this isn’t always the case.
June’s rainfall doesn’t correlate in any way with the yearly averages.