August Weather Summary
for Killeen, Texas
Copyright © 2022 by Wil C. Fry. All Rights Reserved.
Home > Killeen Weather > Months > August
Quick Facts:
Ave | 10Y | Low (year) | High (year) | |
HLA | 88.08 | 88.18 | 85.21 (2017) | 93.23 (2011) |
Highs | 104.5°F | 105.0°F | 98°F (2021) | 111°F (2011) |
Lows | 71.54°F | 71.00°F | 66°F (2010) | 77°F (2011) |
Precip | 2.06” | 2.20” | 0.00” (2011) | 8.01” (2016) |
August HLAs
This chart shows the trend in temperature averages, 2010-22. The horizontal red line is the 10-year average for August.
Copyright © 2022 by Wil C. Fry. Some rights reserved.
August Temperatures
August’s 10-year temperature average is 88.18°F, less than a degree warmer than July as hottest month. (Some years, 2016-2018 and 2022, July was the warmest month.) Most years, the hottest temperature of the year is in August, though it is occasionally in July (2017, 2018, 2020, and 2021), or June (2012, 2013), or even September (2021). The warmest August on record for Central Texas was in 2011 (93.23°F). I couldn’t find when the coolest August was, but the coolest recent one was in 2017, averaging 85.21°F.
According to a variety of sources I searched, the coldest temperature ever recorded in August was 56°F, on August 28, 1992, while the warmest temperature August has ever seen was 111°F, on August 27 and 28, 2011. During my 13-year record-keeping period (2010-22), the coolest August day was August 4, 2011, which saw a low of 62°F. Only two daily record lows occurred during the past 12 years, while a startling twenty-seven daily record highs belong to the same period (most in 2011).
August averages 15.8 hundred-degree days per year — days in which the high is 100°F or warmer — leading all months. For 11 years, August ranged from seven such days (2017) to 30 (2011), though 2021 surprised everyone by having zero. August trails July slightly in 90-degree days, with 29.23 such days per year (July has 29.31). Most years, August sees 30 or 31 ninety-degree days, but there were only 25 each in 2016 and 2017 and only 28 each in 2021 and 2022.
August Precipitation
This chart shows August’s precipitation, 2010-22.
Copyright © 2022 by Wil C. Fry. Some rights reserved.
Rainfall in August varies from none (2011) to 8.01 inches (2016), averaging 2.06 inches. This is barely wet enough to escape the driest third of months (July is driest, followed by December, February, and November). Half of Augusts see less than an inch of rain; the average is brought up by a handful of instances (2016-2018 and 2022).
August averages five days per month that exhibit precipitation — the least of any month. The maximum is 15 (2016) and the minimum is zero (2011).
Trends And Patterns
In the 13 years I’ve kept track, August’s temperatures trended downward overall, with occasional upturns. It does not match well with the yearly average or with other months. August’s rainfall and temperature track fairly closely with each other; our hottest Augusts are also our driest and our wettest Augusts are our coolest (2021 was an oddball, both cool and dry, and 2022 was the opposite — both warm and wet). Like most other months, August has been wetter in the previous seven years than in the six years prior to that. However, August’s rainfall is not a good predictor of annual rainfall.