My Life

Autumn Update 2021

By Wil C. Fry
Autumn, School, House

As autumn began, I was reminded forcefully that I only have a year remaining until I have lived half a century.

Because it’s been three months since I last updated this blog (our 11th house-iversary), I felt compelled to offer this quick update of our lives since then. One thing that happened was that three of us celebrated birthdays — my son is the lone outlier on the household birthday calendar but the rest of us crammed our births into a 22-day period in early autumn. This year, my wife passed a major (traditionally unmentionable) birthday milestone and I had huge candles on my cake that proclaimed “4” and “9”, the last birthday I’ll celebrate during my first half-century of life. This gave me pause for thought, upon which I might later expound in a separate entry, about how few of us complete the second half-century.

As one might expect, many things occurred during these past three months, most of which were normal every day occurrences that I might have included in blog entries a few years ago when I tried to blog daily, but now I (think I) have matured a bit and will only hit the highlights.


I think those are the important highlights — if I forgot something, I hope it doesn’t hurt anyone’s feelings. Please chalk it up to my aging brain. I’m almost 50!

Newer Entry:Last Update of 2021
Older Entry:Back To School: 2021
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