My Life

Last Update Of 2021

By Wil C. Fry
Winter, Family, Activities

The four of us on New Year’s Eve, made with my new Moto Edge 5G UW phone.

I’m actually composing and editing this late on New Year’s Eve to the sounds of what could be gunfire but is probably way too many fireworks for one neighborhood so forgive me if my lack of concentration leads to a mistake or two. Also the rock band that has practiced almost daily throughout the pandemic in the house behind us isn’t taking a break this evening. (I don’t know the rock band’s name, but I assume it’s something like Covid Rudeness.)

The year is over. I don’t have much of a retrospective or general feeling about 2021 other than most of it made me very tired — both mentally and physically. But tired is a sensation to which I’m very accustomed, having been a parent for some time, and a longtime human worker drone before that, so I probably shouldn’t complain. Here, I just want to list a few updates in case anyone still checks this blog. (You should check this blog, if you’re interested in what goes on in my life.)

In my previous entry, I mentioned a handful of things that require updating, so I’ll hit those first:

Besides those updates, what else happened in our lives as 2021 came to a close?

Instead of writing a separate entry to wrap up the year, I suppose I should say a few things here, despite claiming above that I don’t really have a wrap-up for 2021. Most of what happened in our lives this year that’s worth mentioning is in the few entries I wrote, listed here. We tried not to let Covid-19 dominate our year like it did in 2020, but we also remained vigilant in the hopes of not being included in “those people who died of Covid” lists. We lived through what my wife calls “Snowvid”, the brutal February winter storm. And then we kind of stumbled through the rest of the year with the best of intentions. We had a handful of short trips and good experiences (all listed in the aforementioned list of 2021 entries).

We’re not a big New Year Resolution household, but we do mention to the children each year that people make resolutions and predictions for the coming year. My wife struggled to think of anything she could improve on — she already works out daily, eats healthier than most anyone we know, and is a really good person. For myself, I could probably think of some ways to improve, if I really wanted to, but... I guess I’m happy with a plateau for right now. I climbed and improved and bettered and learned for a long time, and right now I just want to hang on to the ground I already gained. If I can do that in 2022, I’ll count it as a success. (If I have any specific improvement goal at all, it would be improving at chess, which is my current micro-obsession, though that could change at any time — because my rotating list of obsessions comes and goes: photography, writing, political/social issues, and now chess.)

Last year, I didn’t make any resolutions, but I listed a few things I would like to accomplish in 2021. Let’s see. I did not finish my novel, though I did work on it quite a bit. The loose framework is there, as is the world-building and character development. I have a few tough spots in the plot to work out, and I need to decide which parts to include and/or leave by the wayside. I did continue learning Spanish, and I did read at least 50 books. The last thing I mentioned was working on the downpayment for our next house, which we technically accomplished — we saved as much as we thought we’d need back then (before house prices began to skyrocket). Which left us a little short of what we need now, but it’s within reach.

Previous “Year In Review” Entries:

2020: 2020 : Year In Review
2019: 2019 : Year In Review
2018: 2018 : Year In Review

Newer Entry:Early 2022 Update
Older Entry:Autumn Update 2021
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