
1988 Poem Index

By Wil C. Fry

(All poems/songs are Copyright © 1988 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

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Jan. 7:He Set Us Free(Rap #1)
Jan. 26:All Have Sinned
Jan. 27:Always prayin’ to You, God
Jan. 31:Praise His Name
Feb. 1:The One that Matters
Feb. 6:A Time For Everything(Ecc. 3)
Feb. 7:Dead Church
Feb. 8:A Searchlight in the Darkness
Feb. 14:You Gotta Confess It
Feb. 15:He Set Me Free
Feb. 16:I’m Yours, Lord
Feb. 18:I Know How It Is
Feb. 25:River Of Life
Feb. 26:The Solution
March 18:God Rulz!
March 22:Jesus Savz!
April 2:The One I Rock For
April 14:I’m Rockin’
April 18:Untitled
April 25:Buried Memories
April 25:What Did They Want?[Lost Poem]
May 10:The Fire
June 24:Live What We Believe
June 26:Last Days
July 3:Unfortunateness[Lost Poem]
July 24:Turn Or Burn
July 30:How Long Will It Last?
Aug. 1:Untitled(later: “Soggy”)
Aug. 2:Untitled(later: “Carbon Copy Man”)
Sept. 1:In Place Of Me
Sept. 11:Untitled[Lost Poem]
Oct. 18:Guiding Light
Oct. 26:Without You

I wrote 33 “songs”/poems in 1988. Most of them were extremely derivative of the Christian music I listened to at the time, sometimes borrowing entire lines or even entire choruses. Still, it was my highest annual output by far, more than all previous years combined. Through October I was on track to have at least one composition in every month which would have been a first. It was certainly the first time I wrote poems on multiple consecutive days and the first year in which I wrote a song that was performed in public (In Place Of Me).