In Place Of Me
By Wil C. Fry, 1988.09.01
(Copyright © 1988 and 2018 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)
Home > Poetry Index > 1988 > In Place Of Me
As I lay my life before You,
as i lay it at Your feet,
i want to be as broken as i can be
i feel so bad for all,
for all the sins i’ve done
i just want to repay you for the sacrifice of Your son.
the tears come to my eyes as i realize just how unworthy i am
when i look to the Cross, i see the Lamb...
Jesus Christ was slain for all my sin
Jesus Christ was slain for all my sin
Why did He choose to die
Why did He choose to die
I should have been the one up there,
hanging from that tree
No sin did He commit,
He died in place of me
In place of me...
The blood ran down from His sores,
the holes in His hands,
The hole deep in His side was painful,
I know it must have been
The tears within His flesh were deep,
deep enough to kill
The crown of thorns upon His head
was pressed deeper still
the tears come to my eyes as i realize just how unworthy i am
when i look to the Cross, i see the Lamb...
Jesus Christ was slain for all my sin
Jesus Christ was slain for all my sin
Why did He choose to die
Why did He choose to die
I should have been the one up there,
hanging from that tree
No sin did He commit,
He died in place of me
In place of me...
Above is the original version for which I composed a tune; my sisters and I sang it. My cousin H.R.U. and her friend K.M.R. — with my permission — changed a few lines in the second verse and adjusted the chorus somewhat, and then wrote (actual) music for it. I performed this altered version live with them before more than a hundred teenagers at a summer camp in 1989. If their tune survives, I’m not aware of it, but their version of the lyrics is pictured below, as well as a version I printed out during high school in 1988.
Above is the version modified by my cousin and her friend in 1989. Click here to see a larger image file.
This is a version I printed out at high school in 1988. Click here to see a larger image file.