
The Lord Has Made Me Happy

By Wil C. Fry, 1989.12.15, 16:25

(Copyright © 1989 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

Home > Poetry Index > 1989 > The Lord Has Made Me Happy

We made the trip several times a year
A ten hour drive
To the land that to my heart is so dear
Where I feel alive
I wander all through the canyons
Taking up a rod
I walk as though I were Moses
Talking to my God
As I began to blend in with Nature
The sun in the sky
The animals, trees, water, and the dust
I know I’ll not die
I can feel God’s perfect presence
Consuming me now
His mighty arms wrap around me
Strengthening me now
No vehement road noise to bother me
It’s so quiet there
No pollution to blacken my lungs
Just pure, clean air
I feel the wind across my face
Ruffling my hair
For the rest of my life on Earth
I could stay right there
I forget the thistles surrounding me
And their silent pain
I forget the buzzing bugs all around
No loss or gain
I forget that I have to leave
To rejoin modern life
I forget that life has problems
I forget the strife
The Spirit of God is closer to me
The birds are singing
The Lord moves in and takes over my mind
The rabbits keep springing
My spirit rises up in me
The Lord reaches down
This high has not a ‘hangover’
Never a letdown
I remember just what I heard and felt
When Jesus said to me
“I’ll bring life to you, over and again
Life abundantly”
I feel His life flowing in me
Giving me strength
The strength I’ve waited for to see
Thru my life’s length
Now I’m happy
The Lord has made me happy

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