
Visions of God

By Wil C. Fry, 1989.01.18

(Copyright © 1989 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

Home > Poetry Index > 1989 > Visions Of God

I saw the vision as if I was sitting in space, with
    no atmosphere or pollution to clutter up my
All around me the stars shone brightly, with
    different colors showing, not flickering, but
    steady and true.
The different colors were astonishing when
    not blocked off by earthly haze.
They were brightly blue, white, red, orange,
    yellow, and in every other phase.
The planets were coming or going, falling through the sky,
All their paths ordained, traced by my staring eyes.
The comets were bright, their tails long, as they sped
    across infinity, increasing my sense of awe.
And once in a great while, an asteroid would tumble by,
    Their broken contours fresh, young, and raw.
I could make out vast vage clouds of interstellar dust,
    millions of light years away,
Supernovas, bright beyond belief, burning,
    in which a thousand years is a day.
Suddenly I was overcome by the magnitude and beauty of
    it all
The silence continued to engulf me,
    and I began to fall
The heavens turned about me, so as to
    let me see my destination
I happened to be falling towards the
    Earth, where my race had begun
In an instant I was aware of the trillions
    of teeming creatures everywhere
Billions of people moving to and fro; going
    they know not where,
I perceived the massive mountain ranges
    and shifting continental plates
Growing and changing with eternal slowness,
    going on to their fate
All at once, I observed the boundless oceans,
    carrying their limitless, abounding life;
The stretching deserts, with thousands of miles of barren sand,
    causing immeasurable strife;
The dense, humid rain forests, sheltering lush,
    green paradise
Huge frozen glaciers and endless land
    covered with ice
I discerned how each plant and animal
    had its own habits and ways
I watched the air and sea currents making
    their own intricate maze

Then, on an even smaller scale, I saw
    each small cell reproduce itself,
    and act on its own.
How each was like its own independent master,
    a whole factory for itself, each a clone.
I fancied the atoms and quarks present
    in each chemical reaction, the infinitesimal
    smallness blowing my mind.
All those quadrillions of particles cooperating
    to form a whole world, circling a sun
    bright enough to blind.
Back in space again, I saw the planets
    shrink, to form a small system of
    orbital roads
Other stars and planets came into the picture
    too, in one vast, illimitable flow,
The Galaxy was before me, and others all around,
Still the silence was colossal — I heard
    not a sound.
Slowly I came to realize what I had
    just witnessed before my very eyes,
I understood how awesome it all was,
    The knowledge was an unstoppable tide
The conclusion arrived that this was
    not all an accident, that it
    hadn’t happened by chance,
All the planets, comets, moons, and
    stars, doing their perfect celestial
The orbits had been perfectly calculated,
    down to the last decimal and degree,
The gravitation fields taken into account
    were balanced; There in the intergalactic
Everything, down to the last atom, and
    farther beyond,
Everything had been planned, like the
    notes of a song.
The pieces fit together perfectly in
    this infinited puzzle, so fitting
    to the plan,
All had been foreseen, yes, even the
    doings of corrupted man.
A calm came over my soul, giving me
    peace at last,
I knew that I would get an answer,
    and fast.
A small and gentle voice began speaking,
    like a wind in my heart,
“I AM who I AM, to the End, all
    the way from the start.”
I knew it was God, bringing me
    comfort and peace,
Also he brought me freedom from bondage,
    an eternal release.

A later note on the original document indicates that the poem might have been written in 1990 instead of 1989.

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