
Emotional Love

By Wil C. Fry, 1990.05.07

(Copyright © 1990 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

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Feelings wear away - emotions never stay
They change every day - They change as they may
Brains are confused - People feel so used
Hearts get abused - People always accused
There’s no love there - Because real love is fair
Love stays out of your hair - Love always cares
Travel on emotions, you’ll never get far
Upon your heart, they’ll leave a scar
Think about things, Ponder in your heart
Think very clearly, consider every part

You love, but is it the person you love
Or do you love the things they do
Do you love them for the way they look
In the same way, do they love you?
Ask yourself questions, watch where you tred
Wrong, bad choices, they always leave you dead
Emotional love, it’s not real
it’s just something you can feel
We gotta git rid of that Emotional love.

To L.H.

The text above was copied from “My Little Pink Book”, mistakes and all.

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