
Follow The Blind

By Wil C. Fry, 1990.04.12

(Copyright © 1990 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

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They trust in the word of the man;
they do his every command.
Blind fools, they follow the more blind,
led off a path they cannot find.
We abhor this hypocrisy —
blind belief is not our policy.
Instead, we choose to boldly trust
in the Word of God, yes we must.
To speak of this, we take a risk —
that some will follow us and miss.
We truly want to lead no one;
we want them to follow the Son.
Trust us not in the faith we took;
trust only words found in the Book.
Therein is your guidance and joy;
therein is the Truth we employ.
Follow not biased, foolish men —
they will cause stagnation and sin.
Don’t take standards set by masses —
they are taught in brainwash classes.
The leaders will tell what to do;
they want only to control you.
Leadership; it can be alright,
but it abused, can bring the night.
Answers searched for in men of pow’r
seldom help for more than an hour.
The Bible holds answers for all.
Won’t you open and hear its call.
Hierarchy uses the word
of God to preach what they want heard.
Scriptures used to back what they say;
They’ll deceive you every day.
Impostors are out there right now.
Want to succeed? They’ll tell you how.
What God wants is your faith in Him,
without which your chances are slim.