
God Comes Down

By Wil C. Fry, 1990.02.20

(Copyright © 1990 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

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There’s a mountain — where i go to pray;
isolated — alone — a hidden retreat;
By myself on the peak, i look out across the world,
the clouds below, valley meandering
the beauty of it all — overcomes — takes my breath
Below me, armies battle to win the world
there is contention there, and pain, so much pain
there is distress, no hope, there’s no hope for them
i have scaled the heights to speak with God

... He listens

Why don’t they climb, too?
They’re blind, you see — no idea of what’s above, here on the peak.
i feel for them, i cry for them — why can’t they hear?
They’re deaf, you see.
some of them i know — some i’ve never seen;
but yet i feel for them, i feel.
i know how they hurt —
remember once when i was down there too — long ago,
but i have dared the climb,
yes i have braved the heights to see my God

... He listens

God’s up there, some say —
“He can’t comprehend human struggles” — at all
why should he care?
Misunderstandings — misinterpretations, misinformation,
it permeates — society rots — they think God is far away, He’s so far away.
Yet i know, from here so high, God came down — Love came down —
in a man sometime. In the man, the Messiah, some say;
He felt our struggle,
He is not unable to grasp the concept —
He felt your struggle, He will carry you

... He carries

“All those below will not be fitted on your mountain,” you speak loudly —
I say “all these hills are God’s”
Pick a mountain, make your way, to climb and pray,
Speak to the sky, scream, cry,
or lie silently in reverence, in awe — of strength;
His strength — not of power, but of Love, will shine;
there is doubt — confusion — there has always been — never will it leave,
but surely on Day, doubters will be cast away;
when God comes down again for me

... He comes