
If... Then...

By Wil C. Fry and A.Z. Fry, 1990.04.18

(Copyright © 1990 by Wil C. Fry and A.Z. Fry. All rights reserved.)

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What if all birds were like the Robin,
And all the trees grew the same way?
What if all flowers were yellow,
and the clouds never changed?
If all the rocks were the same color,
the same size, the same shape
If the stars were cloned and patterned —
no constellations to contemplate

If every blade of grass was shaped the same,
And every leaf had the same little veins
And every human felt the same little pains
Then you could say “God is dead,”
And I would believe you

What if every man on earth was the same?
They might as well have the same name.
And if every woman was no more
beautiful than any ordinary girl?
There would be no love in the world at all
No “home sweet homes” inside brick walls
That’s why God created different things
So we could have so many songs to sing

Written with the help of my brother, who was four years old at the time. I played random notes on the piano and we sang this together.