
If you seek, You will find

By Wil C. Fry, 1990.03.11

(Copyright © 1990 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

Home > Poetry Index > 1984 > If you seek, You will find

You have been told “God is for the weak”
“No longer does His voice speak”
Doubt walks in on you and asks you
“Why should you believe?”
Then you start to worry, you wonder
“Why should you believe?”

There’s no proof that God’s alive
But if you seek then you will find
You will find Him; He’s there right now
Waiting for you — Just reach out (just reach out)

I was asking questions to the cold, dark sky
I was waiting for God to come ‘n’ hear my cry
God made me wait for a while to be satisfied
But now I know when I ask, I won’t be denied

There’s no proof that God’s alive
But if you seek then you will find
You will find Him; He’s there right now
Waiting for you — Just reach out (just reach out)

“I’d been serving God for quite a few years, working my heart out for Him, but there came a time in my walk where I began to wonder if God was really real. I can’t explain why I felt that way, I just did. But when I earnestly began to seek Him, He earnestly began to pour out knowledge, peace, and love onto me, and I fell back into His arms, and believed once more.”

There’s no proof that God’s alive
But if you seek then you will find
You will find Him; He’s there right now
Waiting for you — Just reach out (just reach out)

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