
The Fried Chicken

By Wil C. Fry, 1990.04.27, 14:40:17

(Copyright © 1990 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

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I know this girl named Lisa
I know this girl named Lisa
I need a word that rhymes with Lisa
not a word that rhymes with Eugene
Her pool is full of chorine
‘sposed to make it clean
Her pool is quite a scene
Her mind is in her body
Both of them are rotting
She hates going jogging
on Wednesday, her spleen starts clogging
When she swims she wears little floatees
She never ever had a goatee
at least not yet
maybe to win a bet
Her pool’s a little wet
It’s the best she could get
Ever since we met
She’s my little pet
catch a fish in a net
go fly in a jumbo jet
Her penguin is in debt
That’s why it died
That’s why she cried
Then her pool dried
Then her chicken fried
And she ate it.

For L.M.H., for whom I had a small and short-lived crush.

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