
The goatee Man

By Wil C. Fry, 1990.04.27

(Copyright © 1990 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

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There’s this guy I know, his name is Matt
He’s not very dumb, and he’s not very fat
Now and then he burps, now and then he sings
When he’s bit by a bee, he feels a slight sting

There’s a few words he likes to say
Every chance he get, every day

“I caught a cricket once”
I killed all its sons
Then when I was done
I set it free to run
It was so much fun
(a hamburger, with the buns) buns buns
the cricket had the runs

He’s a goatee man, a goatee man
Oh, baby, he’s a goatee man
He has no plan, for his life span
He doesn’t have a friend who’s name is Dan
He lives in a can, has an electric fan
His music has been banned
His mind has been canned
The Gap has been spanned
On day he will land (on the moon)
He eats from a spoon
He sings the looney tunes

There’s a few words he likes to say
Every chance he get, every day

“I caught a cricket once”
I killed all its sons
Then when I was done
I set it free to run
It was so much fun
(a hamburger, with the buns) buns buns
the cricket had the runs

For M.W.L. a dear friend and fellow poet. Through 1989-90, at least.

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