
...Yet Clear To...

By Wil C. Fry, 1990.07.05

(Copyright © 1990 and 2016 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

Home > Poetry Index > 1990 > ...Yet Clear To...

Yesterday will be green
Tomorrow was purple
Today is blue
it’s too deep to figure
it’s too wide to dig
Solace can be found in a shredded envelope from Waldo
He always had thoughtful things to say
Too bad he couldn’t stay

When the trees rot underground
petrified tongues of angry dreams swirl in a pool of calmness
As drops of liquid fall from the leaky faucet of life
My friends smile and say they care
I see the lies there
and red blood squirts from severed veins
Oh, Waldo, my frog, my pickle
Why, why, oh, why

(Is it yet clear to you that I have lost my mind?)

A happy puppy crushed by a piano falling from the ice cream truck
The ruts in the road have been filled with eyebrows
While Johnny laughs and says “Hi, there, cutie”
She replies “Give me another round”
I’ll get drunk tonight with the liquor of my tooth decay
When ozone armies attack the killer bees
call on Waldo, my pickle, my frog

I originally wrote on the poem: “I guess this song means I’ve gone insane over a situation that I had no control over and one that I would have screwed up even if I did have control of it.”

Note: Typically mentions of “Waldo” in my poetry refer to insanity or depression.

From “My Little Pink Book”. Click here to see a larger version

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