
You Are My Rain

By Wil C. Fry, 1990.05.23

(Copyright © 1990 and 2016 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

Home > Poetry Index > 1990 > You Are My Rain

My life was a desert, dry and crusty,
    although on the outside it didn’t look too bad
But a funny thing is happening to this land
    I think I see a rain cloud coming
    like none I’ve ever had
It’s in the form of you; yes you are
    my rain in this dry land
Funny how I feel you’re the only one
   who can make me a whole man
Today, I gazed into your eyes,
    thought I couldn’t stop
Mabye next time, I won’t
    until my eyes pop
If I seem at a loss for words,
    if it seems I’m a little slow to speak
Don’t let it deceive you; my feelings
    for you will never leave this peak
In the days ahead, I see long talks,
    long walks, phone calls; and hopefully more
Now, because of you, this dusty wilderness
    has become an ocean’s shore
The ocean is our love
Now look to the sky above
See the best of what can be
In the future of you and me

To D.M.R.

From “My Little Pink Book”. Click here to see a larger version

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