
1991 Poem Index

By Wil C. Fry

(All poems are Copyright © 1991 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

Home > Poetry Index > 1991

Jan. 15:New World
March 9:Letter To My Mother
March 14:Pizza For Me
April 21:My Word
June 19:House In Order[Lost Poem]
July 13:To Write To You A Song...
Aug. 10:Untitled
Aug. 10:Of Wesley, A Knight of Olde
Aug. 24:Hearts Together
Sept. 4:Chance Meeting
Sept. 18:Untitled
Sept. 21:Again, I have...[Lost Poem]
Nov. 19:Angel In Human Form[Lost Poem]
Dec. 25:Holy Kiss

I wrote 14 poems in 1991, though several earlier lists said there were only 10.