
Of Wesley, A Knight of Olde

By Wil C. Fry, 1991.08.10

(Copyright © 1991 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

Home > Poetry Index > 1991 > Of Wesley, A Knight Of Olde

Warrior was he, and roughly clad
His skin was dark, his heart was glad
With piercing eyes and lengthy hair
With muscles hard, and wife so fair
He hefted sword that none could lift
Then, shield stalwart, and arrow swift
Yes, he was known to fight true well
When all his men beside him fell
His horse was white, a stallion strong
It bore him thru the raging throng
He rode upon his stallion, yes
And then dethroned the country’s best
Upon his feet, might quick ran he
And so surpassed all rivalry
Earthly masters? Nay, he had none
‘Xcept in this world he followed one
He pledged his life, his wealth he left
To follow one whom he called Jef
Friends they had been, since meeting first
For each other they fought the worst
Then high rose Jef, in leading men
Along with him, Sir Wes his friend
Now lands they rule with friendly hand
While Wesley wars, and Jef commands
Wesley listens with willing ears
But no other on earth he fears
One more ruler Sir Wesley heeds
But this One lives above the trees
“Light” is His name, also the “Door”
The “Way”, the “Truth”, and many more
More knowledge and more pow’r he holds.
And when in hearts, He makes men bold.

For Sir Wesley Emm-Arr Punisher, a character in a story I never finished. And also for the real-life Sir Wesley, my longtime friend.

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