
By My Side

By Wil C. Fry, 1992.04.24

Copyright © 1992 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

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As I struggle to be like Christ
To be His body faithfully
Power is poured into my heart
Peace is graciously giv’n to me

“I have set the Lord before me”
Through each of life’s trials and mazes
“The lines are fallen unto me”
It seems in such pleasant places

Never a fear at all have I
The Lord, He said, will be my guide
I look into God’s big, blue sky
And see that God’s here, by my side

No other place could I abide
Except with God here, by my side
I heard lies, I heard otherwise
But look now, God’s here by my side

“Thou wilt show me the path of life”
The end of ev’ry little strife
Ev’ry need of mine thou wilt meet
As I lay my life at your feet

Never a doubt at all have I
Dear Lord, you said you’ll be my guide
I look into the dark, gray sky
But yet God is here, by my side

No other place could I abide
Except with God here by my side
I heard the lies
And Otherwise
But look now, God’s here by my side

Lines in quotes are from Psalm 16.

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