1997 Poem Index

By Wil C. Fry

All poems are Copyright © 1997 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

March 14, 03:00:In The Least
June 9:Instruments Don't Make The Band (or "Her Eyes")
June 22:December Lets Out A Sigh
Aug. 3:no one knows?
Aug. 21, 03:00:Untitled (“Gay Cowboy Song”)[Lost Poem]
Aug. 24:...Cannot Borrow
Nov. 6, 21:00:Empty Caskets (or "Loving Nothing")
Dec. 6, 10:00:This Way Before...
Dec. 7, 12:00:Bankrupt Heart
Dec. 8, 21:00:Nameless
Dec. 9, 08:00:Questioning Man
Dec. 10, 08:00:Story of my life
Dec. 14, 19:00:Which Hell?

I wrote 14 poems in 1997, the most since 1991, almost half of them in December. It was in 1997 when I began consistently adding the time to my poems, as well as the date.