December Lets Out A Sigh

By Wil C. Fry, June 22, 1997

Copyright © 1997 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

What is important to me and you? Money is important, so we work. We do things we wouldn’t ordinarily do. We get headaches, backaches, but we get no perks. The Sun is up or down, and the miles fly by. We clock in, clock out and try to pay the bills. January sweeps in fresh, December lets out a sigh; the money is gone, unhappy, the years bring no frills.

Clothes are important, but they cost so much: a new dress, some new shoes, that nice tie. That cool jacket of leather or silk or such. The threads unRAVEL and do we even cry?

A car? Five-speed, titanium rims and A/C, gas mileage, liability, oil change and bucket seats, cherry red, big motor, spare tire and driving Warp 3. Rust will overtake it or it overheats.

That cordless phone, full bookshelf of 200 CDs. VCR, lava lamp, little plant, Big Screen TV; fine china, perfume, computer and washing machine. But is any of this important to you and me?

A tender touch, a tentative smile, an eager hug, a coffee mug, a god above. Growing old, getting naked, going that second mile. What seems to be most important has to be love.

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