1998 Poem Index

By Wil C. Fry

All poems are Copyright © 1998 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Jan. 5, 03:00:The Light In Her Eyes
Jan. 26, 02:00:Has Not Grown...
Feb. 7:Untitled[Lost Poem]
June 28:A Life Worth Saving
Dec. 7, 07:20:(6 month anniversary of the New Start)
Dec. 12, 10:00:A Higher Standard
Dec. 31, 03:30:Been Rended

I wrote seven poems in 1998, the lowest total in the 1996-2006 burst.

Correction: I wrote a dozen other poems, but they were on cocktail napkins that are long gone, or in letters to friends/enemies, or — in one specific case — were shredded by hand and thrown out the window of a moving vehicle.

If you know of any of these missing poems, feel free to email me at the address below.