A Life Worth Saving

By Wil C. Fry, June 28, 1998

Copyright © 1998 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Again, I found myself on the EDGE, the
    Abyss yawning before me,
Straining, aching, begging to pull me down.
Gravel skittered away, falling into doom, loose
    chunks of shale losing their hold
Stumbling, shaking, giving way, I fell to my knees there,
For once, wanting badly to give in.

Looking back ever so briefly, I saw only torment,
    pain, darkness, the perpetual ache of a life badly lived
Gazing down into the depths, I saw a peace, a final
    resting, a wonderfully long and comforting sleep.

And I loosened my grip, tears in my soul, preparing
    for the short and painless final fall into beautiful
Hardening myself against thoughts of all that I
    would leave behind

And as I let go, I was not falling; I turned in anger and desperation.
YOU were there, your firm grasp on terra firma,
    your eyes like deep unsettled seas, your heart a
        racing jet engine firing its afterburner
Pulling me back into LIFE

And now, looking back, I can only cry for joy
For now, when I look upon your fair visage,
    every time, I see the EDGE again.
Maybe the Day will come when I will only see YOU,
    but not for a long and precious while
For you are my reminder that I was a life worth saving
And my very life is my reminder that it was YOU who saved it.
Thank you for all you’ve done,
AND for keeping the EDGE hidden from me

Written with S.R.B. in mind.

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