Been Rended

By Wil C. Fry, Dec. 31, 1998, 03:30

Copyright © 1998 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

If only there were some way
just merely to convey
Exactly what the hearts in question were feeling
Then, then maybe, just maybe
The two of us, yeah, we
Could keep ourselves from the painful reeling
That comes, I don’t know just why
Is this a good time to cry?
Take my heart apart; with a knife you’re a-peelin’
(No pun intended)
Into many parts
my heart’s been rended.
Just please
If you please,
Let me alone...

Written in Nite Life nightclub, Little Rock, Ark. On the original hand-written manuscript — the back of a Nite Life sign-in sheet — I added at the end: "To: All you chics".

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