
By Wil C. Fry, Oct. 1, 1999, 21:00 (Friday)

Copyright © 1999 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Did you ever have a feeling, like you knew
What was about to happen?
A prophetic feeling
Like you knew she was going to walk through that door,
And say those exact words
I have a similar feeling now
Like the time is drawing near
Like Time is drawing to a close
Like a cataclysmic event is about to take place
In my life
Part of me hopes I am wrong
And part of me hopes I am right
And I don’t even know if the cataclysmic event is going to be
Good or bad
I feel like something is breaking
Something is Falling
Something is being poured out of a giant glass
Onto a scalding surface where the soul is burned
And boiled, baked, then frozen
And thawed and chopped and diced
And then spilled into the garbage

Falling from the sky like a skipping heartbeat
Listening to unfiltered sounds like a broken planet
Falling to pieces like a tired God who wants it all to end

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