
By Wil C. Fry, Sept. 16, 1999, 20:00

Copyright © 1999 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Do you ever put an album in and listen to it over and over
Until all the songs sound the same
And it feels like time isn’t passing anymore
Time is just sitting there
Waiting for you to do something
About it
And then nothing happens
Except the air moves once in a while
And every now and then your heart beats
    For some reason
You realize that you are still breathing
    For some reason
And you stare at a blank wall and watch the atoms move
    And dance
Or is it just the spots in your eyes?
More or less a quandary
More or less a paradox
More of the same old s**t that you wish you weren’t getting used to
And you wish you weren’t being used
As just a carbon dioxide manufacturing device
I guess plants need to breathe too
Some aspire for great fame
And some are brought to humbling shame
Some achieve and conquer nations
And some suffer indignations
Then there are those
who are not even listed as a footnote in their own life
Muddling through a nonexistent existence
As if there were a reason

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