
By Wil C. Fry, Aug. 21, 1999

Copyright © 1999 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Whispers of a tired night     Where owls are out to play
Stars feebly shining bright     And the Happy Hunting Ground
is only a few steps away
I hear him running     the buzz of tiny padded
feet slapping the ground so fast that the sounds
run together
And his black eyes are smiling as he watches over
me     Knowing my every thought
Angels and friends there may be but none can
feel me and know my pain like him
And the soil breathes a sigh of relief, knowing
that i love it
We were not made for this world
We only visit here for a while     I hope my
stay doesn’t hurt too long     May I go?
I know some may miss me     And some will
lament my plight     And some will believe that i
gave up the fight     Others will wipe away
tears of grief and say i’ve finally found relief
That i’ve gone on to a better place
Where joy is on my face     And pains are finally
erased     But they will not know     Unless
they also believe and go     And follow him
And follow me
To Harry’s Happy Hunting Ground.

To: Harry, my dog of many years [1978 to May 14, 1992]

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