Just A Dream

By Wil C. Fry, Sept. 25, 1999, 04:19

Copyright © 1999 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

“Love” is a curious word
It means different things to different people
And different things to the same person at different times
And it brings forth the strangest emotions we can fathom
Some say there is a SECRET to love
Courtesy, respect, being undemanding
Acting on it, being creative, having a sense of humor
Thinking long-term, keeping negative emotions silent, showing appreciation
Holding hands, reverence, controlling your voice
Speaking with your eyes, being realistic, not being possessive
Acceptance, not dwelling on disappointment, learning
Sharing, being still, finding God in each other, letting love grow
Giving pleasure, being considerate, magnetism
Seeking variety, relaxing alone together, adaptability
Giving strength and comfort, being steadfast
But isn’t all this true of really good friends?
What makes the difference?
What makes “true romantic love” different from what best friends feel?
Some say that love is all this, with a commitment tagged on
Some would say that sexual desire is involved
Or some kind of ethereal magic that draws two people together
Or fate
Others define the difference between brotherly love, romantic love, and lust
Still, there is one question: What does it all mean?
Just what is it that we are searching for?
A fairy tale?
A fantasy?
A knight in shining armor on a white horse?
Or is there something to be found?
And an old Book somewhere says
“Greater love hath no man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends”
But that is not the thing for which we seek
Surely, all of us have friends for which we would give anything
Or for our families
And this love that is described is a one-way feeling
Something that can be felt by only one person, toward others
Nay, we seek that mutual love
Something that two people can feel for one another, and
Only for one another
This love hath priority over all other loves
The kind of love that a person can only give to one other,
And only receive from one
Not merely sex, for that can be given to many
Not only commitment, for that can be given without love
More than just caring, or respect, or sharing,
for these can live between friends
It is all of these combined, I believe
The joining of two separate people into one being
Where all is shared, the past is forgiven,
And the future can be changed
Where the commitment carries us through the hard times
The desire makes it fun, and the
Caring and respect makes it worthwhile
This is my dream, my dream of true love
My dream persists, even though reality shows that it is just
A Dream...

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