Ostrich Urinate

or “Do You Really Want To Know?”

By Wil C. Fry, Oct. 30, 1999, 06:18 (Saturday)

Copyright © 1999 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

How many rolls of toilet paper does it take to reach the moon?
Who would unroll it that far?
Why do lizards have tails?
When does an ostrich urinate?
How do birds know which way is south?
Who put the “dic” in “predict”?
What percentage of people put on their pants two legs at a time?
How many dead flies would it take to cover the surface of the Earth?
Who really cares about your scalp condition?
Why is it embarrassing, really, to have mental illness?
When is the exact moment of your death?
How often does your dentist clean under his fingernails?
Why do I lie awake at night?
All of these questions have answers
Most of them can be found
    Without too much trouble
    do you
        really want
            to know?

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