
By Wil C. Fry, Sept. 28, 1999, 09:15

Copyright © 1999 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

There, upon the pedestal, I placed you
And there I leave you
Although it’s been said your reign here is through
It is more difficult to come down from my pedestal
Than you might think
Because I need someone to sit there forever
And the applications for the position have been few
You thought your resumé was crummy
I thought it looked better than some I’ve seen
And as good as any
The employee turnover here is not as high as it could be
But higher than I had wished
And so, each time, I offer a better package
Whatever the market will bear
So, stay on the pedestal a little longer
We can work this out
Just because you get a pink slip from time to time
Doesn’t mean that you’ve lost the job for good
And please don’t leave
Just because the Company’s having a slow day
I’d hate to have to paint up a new “Help Wanted” sign

For K.L.M.

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