
By Wil C. Fry, Oct. 5, 1999, 21:15

Copyright © 1999 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Sifting through the wreckage
Not willing to admit that life is livable
What edge?
You mean that thing I just stepped over?
Go back and live your life
And leave me alone
Keep pulling hats out of your rabbit
And excuses out of your ass
While I pull glass out of my eyeball
I’m not your damn grandfather
So don’t pat my shoulder and tell me what you think I want to hear
And don’t play your happy or sad songs around me
Not while I’m pissing on myself
Imagine the world without me
Imagine me without the world
No, I can’t either
But my socks are soiled and a moth just flew up my nose
You ask me when I will grip on myself
My answer?
When hippos fly out of my ass
Oh, s**t, there goes another one!
Okay, so I lied
Let the bulbous, water-dwelling creatures be shot from my ass like it
was a cannon
But I will not get a grip on myself
Nor will I pull the moth out of my nose
Or wash my dirty socks
So turn up the music and shut your f***ing mouth
Go Away

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