When I Go

By Wil C. Fry, Sept. 28, 1999, 20:30 (Tuesday)

Copyright © 1999 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Will they remember me
When I go
How will they recall these short stories that are my life?
Will they tell false truths amongst themselves,
Making believe that they loved me
Or will they tell the truth
And cry at my demise
And at the rest of my demises
Or will they laugh amongst themselves,
Telling amusing anecdotes about the man who didn’t
Can you put a square hole into a round peg?
Or, like me, can you leap from the bottom of a cliff?
And throw yourself in front of a parked car
Shoot yourself in the back with a sword
Hanging from the floor by an untied rope
Dropping an unplugged toaster into an empty tub
Will they know I was a stranger
Will they know that I
Never knew where
I belonged?

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