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A Few Hours On Friday Night

By Wil C. Fry, Oct. 13, 2000, midnight (Friday)

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Rumbling bass drum beats
Make the air throb with excitement
And pom-poms flashing brilliantly
Under a million watts of light
Wisp of cigarette smoke
Is drowned out by the shouts
Get your nachos, get your hot dogs
But get to your seats before
The kick-off
And war is about to start
The two tribes face each other
Armored from helmet to cleats
Fight for pride, for recognition
For mention in the local newspaper
The parents, the girlfriends
The alumni, the rest of the school
We watch
The clash, the crunch, the carnage
As physical prowess and mental agility
Seize the day
“Get another touchdown,
    or it’ll be a long ride home...”
Football is god in the small town
For a few hours on Friday night

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