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All Your Cash

By Wil C. Fry, Sept. 16, 2000, 01:00

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Master of disguises, and the jack of all trades
Step into your high-rises; deal, but keep the spades
Master of the freeway in your Mercedes-Benz
Just sit back laughing as your money-counter spins
Dropping high-class names, wearing silken suits
Weekend at your ranch, with leather riding boots
Nightly making love to your liposuctioned wife
Living your dream, in this impossible life

Someday, coughing, when blood runs down your chin
Lying in your bed, saying, “Remember when...?”
On that day, we’ll be equal, you and I
Since none of your riches will ever help you die
Lying in our coffins, perhaps side-by-side
They said you’d go to Heaven, but you know they lied
So now where’s your money, and all your cash
Ha! Finally, like me, it’s all turned to ash

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