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America Gone

By Wil C. Fry, July 3, 2000, 21:45

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

In the window, stands
The watchman
His eyes are tired, from watching
All night
Still on the lookout, he
Does not waver
And now relives the memory of
A recent fight
He fired on his countrymen, just to defend his home
And now, he begins to wonder, Is America gone?
    Is America gone?
    Have we crumbled?
    Have we vanished without a fight?
    Is America gone?
    Have we stumbled?
    Have we wondered into the night?
Or were we ever exactly
What we claimed?
Weren’t we always poor,
Naked, ashamed?
Did we ever answer the
Questions we asked?
Aren’t we still refugees, nomads
And still taxed?
We have become what we hated, after such a long climb
And now it’s not so glorious, after all this time
    Is America gone?
    Was it a dream?
    Did it vanish in morning’s light?
    Is America gone?
    Where is the gleam?
    Somehow, it just doesn’t seem right

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