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Another Psalm

(or “Find Me”)

By Wil C. Fry, Oct. 20, 2000, 22:33

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Well, how many times have I cried,
Standing alone outside?
(looking up to the sky)
And how many times have I grasped
my chest, trying to find my
wretched heart?
And is there anyone who wants to know God more than I do?
I want to meet with Him
Face to face
I want Him to hold me, and rescue me from this place
I want to walk with Him,
Let Him tell me what He feels
Ask Him questions
And, more importantly, I want to receive
Lord, do you want me?
Do you want me to love you, follow you, “obey” you?
I’ve been told that you know it all
So, you know I’m right here.
Yep, I’m still right here.
Find me.
Find me now.

Fourteen years later, it’s worth noting: we still haven't sent anyone to Mars, nor even returned to the Moon.

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