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At The Very Edge Of The Storm

By Wil C. Fry, Nov. 5, 2000

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Behind me
In the rear-view mirror
I could see the sunset
And a rainbow shown in the side mirror

Above me
Lightly sprinkling rain
Splattered the roof of
The Volkswagen Beetle as I drove onward

Before me
Through the windshield
I could see the darkness
Of ugly storm cloud’s raging torrents

Next to me
Houses painted like a model
landscape, dotting the rolling hills
Where innocents sat safe inside on Sunday

And I was
Caught in between
Unable to choose between all of the beauty
At the very edge of the storm

Driving home from work at Wrangler, eastward on SH9 through and out of Seminole, Okla.

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