Be A Hero

By Wil C. Fry, June 15, 2000, 22:57

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

I heard a lady singing, she said “we need a hero”
Some like to look back to the year zero
Either way you go, most of mine are dead
Sometimes though, their words ring in my head
One of them played guitar with his teeth and sang about pain
Another grew calluses, plowing furrows behind a horse in the rain
Neither of them really made much of a contribution
At least one of ‘em should’ve been in an institution
One hero was president, another had a Dream
One went all the way to the Moon, one played for Cream
Then there’s the one who grows vegetables and raised some kids
A few others ended up messed up, on the skids

But anyone can be a hero
        To Someone
No one can be a zero
        To Everyone

So, if she was right, and we do need a hero again
Then I’ll be a freakin’ hero, not that I’ve ever been

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