Don & Caroline's

By Wil C. Fry, April 9, 2000, 20:00

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Caught up in the here and now, forgetting about being stranded
And a smiling face across the pool is a welcome sight
Curling smoke arranges itself in the sun’s morning rays
Or hides in the corners, darkly awaiting new breath
A quickly forgotten joke hovers, apparent in the laugh lines
The white lines, the safety lines, the lines on a new page
And it’s about time this old book had a new page
Beer in three flavors goes down with salted peanuts and
Burger King wrappers clutter the table and the black tile counter
But we’re looking at the sun-drenched nipples instead
Hearing the clack of billiard balls in the other room, no
Not the room with the giant TV and heated massage chair
Or the room with the tanning bed, where there’s a waiting list
A stimulating conversation, a titillating view
As long as you can still get in touch with someone called “you”

You have to be invited to walk through the door
And you have to be approved if you want to stay
All decent people are accepted and only the rude are turned away
Don is the don, but he can be your friend or he could be your father
Caroline lives life with a smile and a bad neck, and she’s someone you can’t bother
Sleepy, wobbly, or bloodshot, you’ll have a good time
Letting life slide by and ignoring everybody’s crime
You’ll go back even if it takes a while and you’ll
Breathe a sigh of relief when you walk through the door

I never knew their last names, and that was probably for my protection.

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