Dove Glides

By Wil C. Fry, June 15, 2000, 02:37

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Showers of night shelter me from the dirty heat
and the sun protects me from the storm
But beyond both of them lies infinite space
elusive, unimaginable form
A dove glides overhead
Reminding me I’m not dead
One foot stuck in the past
the other still moving on
Between the next minute and the last
is our struggle ever done?
Yellow glow of warming fire
Red tongues of Hades’ flame
White heat of burning desire
The fire my heart cannot tame

To be satisfied is to be quite dead
So let my hunger be a hole
The questions asked here in my head
The yearnings that pain my soul

To thirst and want is to truly live
So let my emptiness be my gold
Reaching for all the world has to give
Till there’s nothing to withhold

Straining for another breath
A dove glides to its death.

“Before you can GET more from life, you must WANT more from it.” — Millal Ba

Confucious say: “Man with head up his ass is far too flexible.”

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