Every Little Thing

By Wil C. Fry, June 27, 2000, 01:23

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

How do I get wound up so tight
That I can’t fall asleep at night
Ev’ry little thing bothers me
So that troubles are all I see
I take to heart each little slight
Although I know it’s just not right
And now I make my confessions
That I value all possessions
All my pennies each cost too much
My things are labeled “look, don’t touch”
If on the shine I see a scrape
I know I’ll get bent out of shape
I’m not that dumb, so I do know
I should just give up and let go
Let go, and lift my heart on wings
Let go of my love for my things
Learn to smile and not to be curt
And free my heart from all the hurt

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