Falling In Love


(Sonnet #1)

By Wil C. Fry, Sept. 5, 2000, 21:10

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Well, there she was, sitting on the rail
Sweat trailing past her brilliant eyes
Powerful sun seemed to make her frail
But still a hurdle to any man who tries
Two doors over, and only one floor down
I found that my eyes invariably would stray
Below dangling tendrils of hair so brown
To where my nestled head would like to stay
Knuckles white as the rail she gripped
Traffic below and planes that soar above
Mere distractions to my heart as it ripped
As I wished and leaned out for her love
Her heart’s door, her eyes, turned ‘round to bore into mine
As I lost my balance, falling, I knew I would be just fine

I found the rules for writing sonnets in an English book and set about to write one. The above poem is the result.

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