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Free Time

By Wil C. Fry, Feb. 25, 2000, 03:56

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Clear, like a cloudless sky,
    the calendar’s empty space beckons, saying
“Free time, free time”
A day to use as you wish —
    read or sleep or go out playing
Free time, free time
Nowhere to be, nothing
    that has to be done; just look at all that
Free time, free time
Get lazy, lay on the couch,
    eat a bundle, and try to get fat
Free time, free time
But they say, “TANSTAAFL” —
    “there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch”
And your days are numbered,
    although it seems you still have a bunch
So, while there’s no rush,
    and it’s not healthy to be in a hurry
Make sure that you don’t allow
    your dreams to grow blurry
        in your
Free time, free time

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