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Growing up in America

By Wil C. Fry, Nov. 12-15, 2000

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Well, we had our good times, didn’t we?
And we had our bad times, didn’t we?
We dumped out a shipload of British tea
And won our Independence, from across the sea
We whipped our slaves, didn’t we?
And then we shot our brothers, didn’t we?
But we built the greatest nation on earth, and free
And we fought off the Nazis, across the sea.
We shot and killed some Presidents, didn’t we?
And we hung the blacks from trees, didn’t we?
Then we sent men to the Moon, in groups of three
And we put our nuclear missiles under the sea
Then we ended the Cold War, didn’t we?
And kept spending more money, didn’t we?

We found out we’re not perfect, didn’t we?
But we saluted the flag anyway, didn’t we?

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