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Harry (A Year Later)

By Wil C. Fry, Aug. 18, 2000, 00:09

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Some nights are playful and not so tired after all
When all you can hear is the crickets’ call
And every moving leaf
Every aching branch tugs at the heart
Saying, “We’re so glad you’re back.”
My feet curl in the dirt and I breathe the cleanest air
Then a bullfrog speaks...
Right over there!
A sighing shadow, a rustling in the leaves
The fear of every man that grieves
A ghost? A trick? Or has he come to stay?
The Happy Hunting Ground is not too far away
A sparkle of light that could be his eyes
Watching me, waiting for me to join him
And I almost did.
Dear Harry,
    Let me finish up a few things first
    Then I’ll let the river quench my thirst
    I’ll run with you, through the fields
    We’ll stalk, kill and share all our meals
    Lay in the sun, or in the shade of a tree
    Like we always used to, you and me
    But, alas, your road was shorter than mine
    Though, in the end (be assured) we all cross death’s line
    And I’ll be there in plenty of time
I know he waits, and the wind whispers between us
And then the apparition is gone
I am left with only the stars, the silvery bright
    and ubiquitous stars, an umbrella
And the living land!     How much longer?

Sequel to 1999's Harry.

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